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Neatly Chiseled Features - Dailies

File Type:
  • The graphics files are stored in PC Tif format. 
  • There are two folders for each feature category - 
    One for PANELS (designated with a "p" in the file name), and 
    One for STRIPS. 
    For example, a folder for Willy 'n Ethel"  would have a main folder "willy2001", and under that would be folders labeled "strips" and "panels". 
    Make the selection based upon your application.

Downloading Files:

  1. Click on "Download Willy 'n Ethel Dailies" at the top of this page.
  2. On the page that appears, click on "willy2001". Then choose between the folders named "panels" and "strips", depending upon your application.
  3. Click (or right click) on the file to download it to your computer. 
  4. Add a bookmark in your browser while you are on this page.
    This will allow you go directly to the download area. You can also re-name the bookmark with the Feature's name. This will allow you go directly to the download area. 
If you are experiencing technical difficulties using this site, email: mrboffo@mrboffo.com.